Session Spotlight

Hilary Stohs-Krause

Camp Counselor

Git commands for every occasion!

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Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 9:00 PM UTC, for 1 hour.

Regular, 60 minute presentation

Room: Campsite 4

version control
command line

Many of us use git on the daily, and like traveling in a country where you're not a native speaker, basic phrases can get you pretty far. To truly appreciate all the git landscape has to offer, however, we need to dig a little deeper. In this talk, we'll start by reviewing some of the basics at a high level, then move to increasingly specific commands, until at the end, we'll be round off with a set of commands that aren't often necessary, but can be veritable lifesavers. For each, we'll look at real-world examples to help illustrate what each command does and when it might be useful. At the end, we'll have time for audience discussion - there's more than one way to "git" things done, so let's learn from each other!

Take Aways

  • Deeper understanding of git basics
  • Lesser-known commands for more complicated version control issues
favorited by:
Cori Drew Jack Conrad Clark Joseph Guadagno Chris Ayers Ben Osborne